Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ow ow ow ow ow...

I think I'm starting to understand the allure of this entire "testing one's own limits" thing, as I did a lot of it this past weekend, the cumulative effect of which has resulted in a large-ish blister on the sole of my right foot, sore quadriceps (both sides), assent to have a dude touch my legs for a sports-massage at today's 5K, and the continued deepening of a perpetual, wicked farmer's tan.

Saturday's Run:  Where My Dawgs At - No, Seriously, Why Am I Running These Distances Alone?
19.91 mi.  3 hr.:6 min.:52 sec.  9:23 pace.  2,456 calories.
First off, the distance was pleasantly symmetric (1991 was also a pretty good year), and although some might think, gosh, it was so close to an even 20, my reply is that, along the line of reasoning that I've had that if I can run 3, I can run 5, if I can run 5, I can run 8, if I can run 8, I can run 12, if I can run 12, I can run 16, etc., then the extra 0.09 miles don't worry me.  I just ran two laps around the Newport Back Bay, once clockwise, once counter clockwise, for a near-twenty, and I did it alone, which put my entire last post about the joys of running solo to the test.

I learned a lot about myself on this run;  the first 3/4 was fairly easy, and then I had problems.  One of the (solvable) problems is that I now need to use Bodyglide on my lower back, where my fuel belt rubs (I now have kind of a fuel belt tramp stamp/abrasion), and between my thighs (in the crotchular area) where I've been afflicted with chub rub.  My quads started cramping on the last 4-5 miles, and I realized that I need to do some sort of electrolyte replacement when I go above 16 miles, given that when I perspire my skin, roughly speaking, becomes rimed with salt, like a margarita glass.  I guess a sports-drink or salt tablets would help, alternatively, I could just start licking the salt off my arms, but that might cause unease with my fellow hobbyists.  The day ended with a lot of groaning, and the giant foot blister described above.

Sunday's Run:  Murrieta 5K 2011!
(Per my GPS and not the official race record)  3.03 mi.  22 min.:46 sec.  7:30 pace.

First of all, it was a terrific event beautifully orchestrated by Emili Steele and her band of merry prankst... well, more like band of merry fundraising event organizers, but you get the idea.  Actually, it was my first ever race!  And perhaps it wasn't the best idea to run it the day after my long run and the aforementioned blistering, etc., and the cold I continue to fight off, and the electrolyte abnormality I still probably have, and the sun got in my eyes, and I still have to get ready for the L.A. Marathon, you get the point.  Since it was my first race (ever), I was a bit shy and ended up at the back of the pack at the starting line, which required a lot of dodging walkers, joggers, baby strollers (there was a triple-wide), etc. in order to get running, but it felt good, it made me feel like a real athlete, to keep passing all of these other runners... that is, until I realized that my vision was tunneling, everyone else kept smiling and chattering and going out of their way to high-five when I could barely stay on my feet, oh, you get the point.  Sean Bush was awesome, finishing in the top ten!  Me, I was just happy to finish.

And now, I have to have some serious alone-time with the giant blister that's on the sole of my right foot.  It's seriously starting to develop its own personality, like Master-Blaster, or that weird stomach-creature in Total Recall...

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