Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Great Indoors, or, I Have a Vision - Televsion

I've been running in the gym a lot for the past couple of weeks so I could kill two birds with one stone, work out while keeping up on the news in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, but sometimes my plans don't work out - some days, rather than having CNN on the televisions, well, let's just say that I end up watching more Oprah than any fully employed straight man should be admitting to (did you know that Susan Lucci has been playing her role as Erica Kane on All My Children for over 40 years?  well, I do now).

But besides affording me an opportunity to keep up with current events and cultural milestones, running indoors lets me work on my running form.  I can dial in the speed, time and incline on the treadmill and see how my form changes:  that's how I first started working on a midfoot-strike stride, falling forward for hill-climbs (unfortunately, the treadmills at the gym don't have a descent angle function), where I experimented with sock-wearing with my current pair of shoes - it's kinda like a running lab.

And besides, Oprah's on!

Hats Off To You, Susan Lucci
3.24 mi.  30 min.  9:15 pace.

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